Obstacle course during Marvel Week
Hulk Smash during
Marvel Week
Making friends while playing ball!
Angry Bird game during Talent Show Week
Sharing made fun with fishing!
Arts and Crafts
Right Light Green Light
DJ Rancore!
Mr. Fox, What time is it?
Whack-a-mole durning Carnival Week
Field Trip Day
Cotton Candy on our Last Day of Camp Carnival
One of our obstacle course winners!
Field Trip to Portos!
Toys-R-Us Ring Around the Rosie
Fun with clay
Weekly waterplay!
End of Camp Carnival - Waterslide!
More Cotton Candy!
Making "slime"
What Time is it Mr. Fox?
End of Camp Carnival
Pool noodle Lightsabers from Starwars Week
Porto's field trip!
Learning to order and pay!
Red Light Green Light
Making games for the Carnival!
Cotton Candy skills!
Bounce House for end of Camp Carnival!
Field trip to the local Fire Station!
Carnival Waterslide!
Weekly waterplay
Ring toss!
Field trip to local pool!
Group pic from Fire Station
Say Cheese!
We made popsicles! And ate them!
Three Musketeers
We made pudding!
The Fire Station was a huge hit!
Waterplay day!
Waterplay unicorn!
Arts and Crafts for Marvel Week
Thumbs up!
That's one way to use the tunnel
Obstacle Course
Field Trip to the park
We have some great swimmers!
Water balloons!
Thumper and Toothless standing guard